Well said..
I agree, Customer service is everything.
...Its not what you say, its HOW you say it
Does this mean I have to be nice to YouKnow now?
Darn....I'll try!
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
as jws we learned a lot about persuasion and how to get people to accept our ideas.
we had role plays on over coming objections.
we were taught how to anticipate typical questions and respond to them.
Well said..
I agree, Customer service is everything.
...Its not what you say, its HOW you say it
Does this mean I have to be nice to YouKnow now?
Darn....I'll try!
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open. has taken me lots of soul searching to put this post up (it contains some facts i dont really feel all that comfortable putting up).
but i will try and leave out here for as long as i can.. it is an email i have sent to my dad.
it is a followup - he has some of the info on the un already.
Dear Msil,
Here I am again. I can't resist this thread. When I sit down to my computer it calls to me. I want to see if you have posted another story to share. Your storys have touched me so. Thank you so much for writing them. If you choose to write a book I would be the first one in line to buy a copy.
You spoke of heros. I think the true heros in life are the ones who do what they think is right no matter the personal cost. So you see, you ARE a hero in my book.
You said you loved my name. It took me a long time to choose it. I've been away from the JWs for a long long time. Half of my family is still in the borg. In Sept'81 an article came out in the WT talking about how they should treat DF and Disa persons and although I was neither they decided I was to be shunned. I can never tell you how much that hurt me. I even called my niece who I had loved and cared for as if she were my own baby and asked her if I knocked on her door and she knew it was me that I wouldn't be welcome? She told me no, I wasn't welcome. I felt like I was put in a dark cellar by my family. It took me years to realize I had done nothing wrong and it was their mean hearts (drivin by the WTS) that had made that decision. I realized that I was the lucky one. I was not living in fear (because that is how the GB controls their members) anymore, I was free. I walked out of that dark cellar and into the beautiful sunshine of the freedom of the life I have now.
Gosh I hope I have written this well enough for you to understand. I don't write nearly as well as you do.
The "Shawshank Redemption" is one of my favorite movies. I agree that Morgan Freeman should have won an Oscar for his performance. He is one of the great actors of our day.
Don't put yourself down for not having more of a formal education. The "school of hard knocks" is a very good teacher and the lessons are never forgotten. A also believe that reading is the key to learning. I never tire of it.
All good things are wished for you today
Hugs, J
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open. has taken me lots of soul searching to put this post up (it contains some facts i dont really feel all that comfortable putting up).
but i will try and leave out here for as long as i can.. it is an email i have sent to my dad.
it is a followup - he has some of the info on the un already.
The comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thought or measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are..........
courage, my friend....we are here with you
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
there's a running debate i have going with my wife.
i have the opinion that it is very possible for married people to have friends of the opposite sex without the idea of a sexual encounter entering into the picture.
she disagrees, saying that once you're married, the marriage mate should be enough to offer you all you need in the way of companionship, conversation,etc.. let's say you're running an errand at the mall and happen to see someone of the opposite sex that you have known for years (your mate knows/doesn't know them... doesn't matter) and you decide to grab a cup of coffee and have a two-hour chat.
I sometimes think that trust is almost more important than love in a marriage. If you don't have trust you have nothing.
Although my husband is my best and most loving friend we both have other men and women friends. Whats the big deal here?
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open. has taken me lots of soul searching to put this post up (it contains some facts i dont really feel all that comfortable putting up).
but i will try and leave out here for as long as i can.. it is an email i have sent to my dad.
it is a followup - he has some of the info on the un already.
Stories like yours break my heart. I'm so sorry you were made to suffer like that. You were only a kid of 16 too. No wonder you carry scars.
I second what Kent had to say. Letting it out really helps.
You are among people who care
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
this cuote is from the letter to bodies of elders of may 15.
1988. what is acceptable evidence of scriptural freedom to remarry?
hearsay or strong suspicion that one's mate.
To everyone but the poor guy whos car got hit this is a a great story. You get the humor award of the day.
I hope that unholy hypocrite of a JW got the book thrown at him!
Thanks for the info. I just get disgusted when I read the way the JWs invade every aspect of the members lives. I divorced a sorry excuse of a man who was a JW and married one of those nasty non believers. Been happy ever since. I've been out for along time but still have family in. Your informative posts help me to try to understand thier mindset.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
due to your abuse of the privelege, all fun has been forbidden until further notice.
that is all..
For Heaven's sake (a unintended pun) God....
Get a life..........BBBBOOOORRRIIINNNGGGG!!!!!
years ago young jw finns were detained for refusing military service.
the option of serving a non-governmental organization instead was a no-no for us.
the time i served was two years four months and fifteen days hard labour (1965-68) and i have not regretted any of that before yesterday.. for almost thirty years i have not been in contact with jw but as my youngest left home i started more active internet surfing and chatting.
If you don't understand the idiums ask what they mean. I've done that before.
I was wondering when the witnesses would ban the internet. Seems reasonable that they would do that. Makes me laugh. What are they afraid of, hmmmm?
Read and get involved my friend. You will be amazed at what you will learn.
Do read "Crisis of Conscience".
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
these thoughts have been triggered by one of esmerelda's posts about the lesson she learned from her daughter.
if you haven't read it, please do.
it is beautifully written!
Dearest Andi,
I have so many blessings where do I start?
I have my health
I have a wonderful husband
I have three kids. Two are doing well, one floundering. Two out of three ain't bad.
I have a good, well paying job.
Four beautiful grandchildren.
A loving sister who just moved closer to be near me.
If I keep going there won't be any room for anyone else to write.
The horror of Sept. 11th has no redeaming qualities. The hurt and sadness it brought so many people is just to great to try to make sense of. I think of the guys still at ground zero everyday trying to do the clean up and I cannot even imagine how it is for them. If you are out there God, PLEASE bless them. They are true heros.
This is a great thread, Thank you for starting it.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
hi friends;.
just wondering about this subject of holidays again.
i really miss christmas but don't have enough nerve to celebrate it.
Dogpach....Thank you again....Knowledge is power!
As for me...I do what my heart tells me.
I celebrate what I want to and have fun.
"Family Appreciation Day"...I like that.
25 years out of the borg...If you are out there God..THANK YOU!
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.